Thursday 30 April 2020

Making a boat in lockdown!

Catherine decide to make a boat today. She used cardboard, paper, and sellotape. She had so much fun making it. She enjoyed role playing sailing across the seas...She found a boy (our brother Vaha) with treasure and he gave it to her and she went home. They hope you like it!


  1. Hi Catherine,
    I just LOVE the boat, what an imagination you have-sailing the seas in lockdown!
    My sister is on boats a lot for her work and she tells me that your boat is even MORE AWESOME, cause you made it!!!!!
    Well Done you!
    From Ms Davis :)

  2. Hello Kefi, it's me Finau and I love your boat. You are very creative and you really know what to do with cardboard. Maybe next time you can sail to Tonga. Keep up the great work.

    From Finau

  3. Thank you Finau and miss Davis for the Comment and. Bye.


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